Thursday, September 22, 2016


This is a journal spread from last weekend's Glendi.

Today is the first day of Autumn, and the fall breezes have really picked up around here.  Over the weekend there were three hot days, a defiant stand by Summer to hang around longer this year.  I got to go to the Glendi and dance in the 98 degrees with old friends and new.

We had turned the drip system down right before that, and, in spite of the mini heat wave, we've turned it down yet again.  I've done some yard clean-up, repaired some bad spots in the drip system, and am looking forward to the days when I can see into the tree branches to do some pruning.

Our lives have been busy with the remodel of a rental property which we will be selling to our younger son and his wife.  There is a deadline as they have had to give notice where they are living now, and the pressure is on!  The remodel is two hours away from our home, so we've been sort of camping out there for the duration.  Luckily there is running water and electricity. 

I've tried to resume an art practice, partly because it helps me put order into my day, and partly because there's at least a virtual community to interact with.  I'm taking Roz Stendahl's "By Design" class, learning about layout and composition.  In addition to trying to understand and apply the concepts, I'm challenged by intermittent internet access and the whole process of getting photographs from my phone, into the computer, and then onto whatever site I'm posting on.  Then there's the time commitment to being in the virtual community, looking at other people's posts, reading their comments about their process, reading other people's comments, and making my own (hopefully thoughtful) comments.  Since time for making art is so limited, I'm seeking balance.