Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More Faces

It's been a busy, productive time.  Not all are finished, but they just need finishing touches.  I'm so grateful for the time to get these done and also for yesterday's sunshine.  We were lucky enough to spend most of the day outside taking a long walk with cousins in Calistoga. I didn't sketch, but have some photos that may make some promising subjects for future watercolors. It's warm outside right now and the clothes that I hung out on the line this morning are dry. Life is good!

Mixed media on Wood

 As I was working on this one and looked for a poem that would work with the image, I came across this by Teresa of Avila:

bloomed in Spring.

Our bodies
are the leaves of God.

The apparent seasons of life and death
our eyes can suffer.

but our souls, dear, I will just say this forthright:
they are God

we will never perish
unless He 

I have a friend for whom I think the above painting will be a nice gift.

Journal Cover: Colored Pencil and Acrylic on Mat Board
The journal is a "Muse Journal" created in the "Conversations with the Muse" workshops and I've been wondering what I would do with the cover.  It's inspired by last week's Everyday Matters prompt to do whatever you want, but think about how the earthquake and tsunami in Japan might enter the work.  I want to re-work the water section of this when I get time.  Maybe use the seran-wrap technique and see what happens.
Journal Page: Dreaming and Wishing in the Full Moon 
On the "reading list" for the Muse Workshops is "Women Who Run With the Wolves."  I haven't read it yet, but thought of combining the wolf image with one of my desires for 2011, to be able to use my voice to be articulate about the things I am passionate about.

Well, here we have it folks...time to rush off and get the clothes down off the line : )